The theatrical version of this drama will also feature original cast members – Morimoto Shintaro, Matsumura Hokuto, and Kyomoto Taiga from Johnny’s Jr., Shimazaki Haruka, Oba Mina, and Mitsumune Kaoru from AKB48, and Uchi Hiroki, Kis-My-Ft2’s Miyata Toshiya, and Hey! Say! JUMP’s Takaki Yuya. In related news, Morimoto and Shimazaki is making more appearances as actor and actress as Morimoto will also be featured in Fuji TV’s upcoming drama “GTO” and Shimazaki in Television Tokyo’s drama ‘Majisuka Gakuen 3‘.
‘Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou’ is a school comedy drama written by AKB48’s very own producer Akimoto Yasushi and features a story of the trials and tribulations when a boy’s high school, that has a lot of delinquents, and a prestige girl’s high school, where all students are from high-class families, combine into one school.